Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Hello my name is Fatima Ashraf,

    I am 17 year old senior at Richland Collegiate High school. I enjoy painting and doing makeup, not only are those my hobbies but also a form of stress relief for me.I would like to take my hobbies and turn it into a caree. In the future I hope to have a career is media and marketing and hope that i can use my creative side to influnce my work. I would like to combine my love for makeup and my passion for marketing to create dolls of different shapes and sizes for my capstone. By creating dolls of different shapes and sizes I hope to battle body image in young children.  My name is Fatima Ashraf and I am RCHS

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Personal Branding Essay

     My name is Fatima Ashraf. I am a High school student at Richland Collegiate High School and hope to major in Marketing. I have an interest in makeup, painting, and volunteering all three play a big role in my life.  I try to use my creative side on a day to day bases, from my homework to helping Syrian refugees.

      I enjoy helping people in need. This plays a big role not only in my academics but also in  the friends and mentors I have. I work on daily  projects in order to better the lives of others  not only in my community but also people in 3rd world countries like Syria, Palestine, and Pakistan.

      Living a truthful and fun life is how I live my life. So, in a week to week bases I plan days for school, mosque, service learning, family, and the most fun part, FRIENDS! I start the day off at 6:20  just in time for the first prayer of the day Fajr. After prayer, I hurry up get ready and run out the door with my Kale-Spinach shake just in time to beat morning traffic.

     On my way to school my friends and I like to jam out to music, talk, and most importantly sleep.  As soon as I walk onto the school campus I am immediately greeted with hugs and friendly smiles from my friends. I work hard in class and try to stay on top of things while taking notes, and studying during what ever break I have.

      Since I'm majoring in marketing, a lot of my electives are build around my major. I take courses like Ethics and Sociology. These classes help me gain a greater understanding into the human mind and teach me the appropriate way to approach people. I enjoy learning about these topics because not only do I find them interesting but I can also apply things I've learned in my daily life.

   After the end of either my ethics or Sociology class I like to go to Sabine for a little snack, so I have something to munch on while doing my homework. In my book you can never go wrong with a bag of chips and a cold diet coke. Obviously not the healthiest but its one of my favorite snacks. I like to do my homework before I hangout with my friends at Richland so I don't get distracted and procrastinate.

   After Eating and studying I like to hang out with some of my friends in either Sabine hall or Crockett hall. We talk, laugh, and complain (mostly about capstone) and just try to have a good time as seniors. After my break, I head back to my final classes of the day,

   As I leave my final class, I head to work than home. I tutor a 14 year old in human geography one of my favorite subjects! After two hours of tutoring I head home and rewind with family time, gym time and social media. I call it a day around 12:30 and head to bed, only to redo the same things the next day.